domingo, 2 de mayo de 2021

Guía 2. Inglés CS2- Período 2-2021


Dibujo en blanco y negro

Descripción generada automáticamente con confianza baja


Resolución 16170 del 27 de Noviembre de 2002

“Nos formamos en el saber, saber hacer y el ser para la vida”


                                                                   GUÍA DE APRENDIZAJE













William Barrientos



Yirlesa Pino

Whatssap 3218186233


 Daily routines, wh- questions


Reconoce información específica en textos cortos, orales y escritos sobre temas de interés general


                                               APRENDA LAS RUTINAS DIARIAS EN INGLÉS.


                                                     DAILY ROUTINES

brush_my_hair    comb_my_hair    cook     do_homework     do_laundry

Brush my hair      comb my hair             cook           do my homework   do the laundry


drink    eat_breakfast     eat_lunch    eat_dinner    exercise

         Drink           have breakfast       have lunch          have dinner        (do) exercise


watch_TV    feed_the_cat     feed_the_dog     floss    get_dressed

    Watch TV           feed the cat          feed the dog     floss your teeth      get dressed


get_undressed     go_to_bed   hangout    iron        listen

Get undressed         go to bed             hang out       iron my clothes  listen to the radio


listen_to_music    play-guitar    play_piano     put_on_make_up     read

Listen to music    play the guitar    play the piano     put on make-up           read


relax    rentvideo    movie_theatre    shave    sleep 

        Relax           rent a video       see a movie           shave          sleep / dream


study    sweep   take_a_bath   take_a_shower     write

       Study                  sweep             take a bath       take a shower             write


vacuum     wake-up    walk_the_dog   wash_my_face   wash_the_dishes

      Vacuum              wake – up         walk the dog      wash my face   wash the dishes


                                                Daily activities

Brush your teeth                                                     Hang out with friends

Play a video game

                                               Read the newspaper


              Study English

                                                              Do your homework

Eat fruit / vegetables           Listen to music

                               Order dinner

                                                       Go to a restaurant

            Clean your room

               Take the garbage out

                                                            Watch TV

Do chores at home

                             Take a shower


 Take the bus/metro

       Have breakfast                                                       Go to the movies



 Go dancing                                     Talk to your friends


Argue with your parents                            Do errands                             Go shopping


 Make friends at the university


Go to a farm                                     Go to concerts                     Walk around


Play table games                 Solve Sudoku / word puzzles                Take a nap



                                             ACTIVIDAD EVALUATIVA


 1. Escriba su rutina diaria en inglés (mínimo una página)


 2. Lea el texto y complete los espacios con el verbo correcto. (make – visit – eat – work – wash – watch – do – sing – be – clean – talk – get up x 2 – have x 2 – help x 2 – like x 3 – play x 5 – go x 5




Hi! My name is Lucy. This is my daily routine on weekdays. I (1) at half past seven and I (2) breakfast with my parents and my younger sister Paula. I (3) cereals but my sister (4) bacon and eggs. My parents (5) coffee and toast.

We (6) to school by bus, but my father (7) by train. My mother (8) at home, she (9) a journalist.

We (10) lunch at school, because in the afternoons we (11) activities: I (12) in the choir and (13) basketball, my sister (14) to art class and (15) badmington.

After school we (16) home and my mother (17) us with the homework. We also (18) at home, I (19) the rooms and my sister (20) the dishes.

In the evenings we (21) TV, (22) games and (23) about our day. My sister and I (24) to bed at nine o'clock.

On weekends we (25) later, around nine o'clock. We (26) outdoors games, in the park or our garden. Then we (27) our grandmother, I (28) her very much! She (29) us cakes and we (30) all afternoon with our cousins. It's great fun!


Después de leer el texto elija las respuestas correcta y encierrela en un circulo.

1.     On weekdays, Lucy gets up at...

seven o'clock.

eight o'clock.

half past seven.

2.     She likes to eat...

bacon and eggs.


coffee and toast.

3.     She goes to school...

by car

by train.

by bus.

4.     She has lunch...

at school.

at home.

at a restaurant.

5.     In the afternoons, Lucy...

has lessons.

plays football and reads.

plays basketball and sings in the choir.

6.     Her sister...

has music lessons.

plays tennis.

plays badmington.

7.     Lucy and her sister do the homework...


with their father.

with their mother.

8.     In the evenings they...

watch TV.

go out.

listen to music.

9.     In the weekends, Lucy and her family...

go out for dinner.

visit friends.

visit the grandmother.

10.  Grandmother likes to...

play with them.

make them cakes.

watch TV.




Muchas de las preguntas que utilizamos en inglés comienzan con palabras que contienen wh al principio. Es el caso de whatwhichwhowhomwhenwherewhy y whose.


What is she doing? (¿Qué está haciendo?)

What is your phone number? (¿Cuál es tu número telefónico?)

What is your address? (¿Cuál es tu dirección?)

What is your surname? (¿Cuál es tu apellido?)

What is your marital status? (¿Cuál es su estado civil?)

What did you do yesterday? (¿Qué hiciste ayer?)

What is that? (¿Qué es eso?)

What do you like? (¿Qué te gusta?)


Which was the lamp you broke? (¿Cuál era la lámpara que rompiste?)

Which one of these gloves is the most expensive? (¿Cuál de estos guantes es el más caro?)

In which row did she sit? (¿En cuál fila se sentó?)

Which one of these subjects are you going to select? (¿Cuál de estos temas vas a elegir?)

Which month is the coldest? (¿Cuál mes es el más frío?)


Who is he? (¿Quién es él?)

Who is your friend? (¿Quién es tu amigo?)

Who is talking? (¿Quién está hablando?)

Who is running in the park? (¿Quién está corriendo en el parque?)

Who was at the party? (¿Quién estaba en la fiesta?)

Who have you called? (¿A quién has llamado?)


Whom did you visit at the hospital? (¿A quién visitaste en el hospital?)

Whom should I address this letter? (¿A quién debo dirigir esta carta?)

Whom did you write? (¿A quién escribes?)

Whom did you invite to the party? (¿A quién invitaste a la fiesta?)

Whom did they choose for the job? (¿A quién eligieron para el trabajo?)

When can I see you again? (¿Cuándo te puedo volver a ver?)

When was the race? (¿Cuándo fue la carrera?)

When is your birthday? (¿Cuándo es tu cumpleaños?)

When can I call you? (¿Cuándo te puedo llamar?)


Where do you live? (¿Dónde vives?)

Where were you born? (¿Dónde naciste?)

Where is the nearest bank? (¿Dónde está el banco más cercano?)

Where are you going? (¿A dónde vas?)


Why are you sad? (¿Por qué estás triste?)

Why do you wake up so early? (¿Por qué te despiertas tan temprano?)

Why did you study philosofy? (¿Por qué estudiaste filosofía?)


Whose are these shoes? (¿De quién son estos zapatos?)

Whose is the car parked over there? (¿De quién es el automóvil estacionado allí?)



Realiza tus propias oraciones, de acuerdo a los ejemplos citados, 3 oraciones con cada question



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